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QTL's Networking gives students a solid understanding of computer networking and the many opportunities in this Information Technology career track. In the past, those interested in computer networking had to choose either the hardware and technology that make up the infrastructure, or the software that manages the network. Students quickly encountered very difficult material, with little context on how and why what they were studying was important.

QTL's Networking gives students a solid foundation in the concepts of networking - how computers are connected, how they communicate, why user access and rights must be managed - and then gives them a firm foundation in both sides of the networking spectrum.

QTL's Networking covers hardware - from PCs and laptops to routers and switches - architecture and protocols. It also covers network administration - including an introduction to the major network operating system software. Students learn the important of both facets, and can then choose one pathway or the other with a strong understanding of how it all fits together.

Some students go on to vendor-specific technology programs such as Cisco. Others study network administration and operating systems such as Microsoft, Linux or Novell. Many schools implement QTL's Networking in conjunction with QTL's Computer Engineering in order to give students a broad view and firm understanding of computer technology.


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