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Goals of QTL


One Process, Multiple Outcomes
The QTL Process is designed to help schools achieve numerous goals. As various elements of the process are layered to create a comprehensive professional development plan, momentum builds and several things begin to happen in a school:

  • collabarationTeachers attend sessions in a model classroom, where they activitely participate, observe and learn from modeled strategies, and return to the classroom to put those strategies to work.
  • Technology that's already available for use is used much more frequently (and more importantly, effectively and with a better-developed purpose in mind).
  • Students become more active in the classroom and more engaged in their own learning.
  • Collaborative projects begin to foster a greater sense of community as teachers share ideas and knowledge.
  • In-depth collaborative efforts take staff to the next level in planning and executing quality lessons.
  • Student achievement rises due to the dedicated efforts of teachers and the ever-improving atmosphere throughout the school.

Read about the pathways for teachers and administrators in our sample three-year school-wide plan.