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Focused Collaborative Cycles

The Focused Collaborative Cycle allows teachers to use research-proven strategies with their students and to assess their effectiveness toward student learning.

collaborativeAn alternative to Whole Faculty Study Groups® or QTL Collaborative Projects, the Focused Collaborative Cycle is designed to support collaboration in a school and move the culture towards one of becoming a learning community.

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Objectives of the FCC
Focused Collaborative Cycles require the school team to assess their provisions for growth in the goal area identified. They will work within their groups to plan lessons designed to address the need as it is reflected in their individual content areas.

Baselines will be assessed, benchmarks established, and goals will be set to guide in
improvement across the entire school. A six-to-nine-week time period will be established. At the end of that time, teams will report outcomes. Results will be assessed to guide a determination to continue to
address the same need or another targeted priority.

The FCC process may be continued or transitioned to Whole-Faculty Study Groups® as determined to be appropriate to the needs of the school. The long-term goal is to have the faculty mature to the point of fully engaging Whole-Faculty Study Groups ®.


  • School-wide student need clearly identified.
  • Student needs addressed using strategies and skills examined in QTL and/or QTLCS.
  • Benchmarks, baselines, assessments and goals targeted to improve the student need on a school-wide basis.
  • Ideally, school begins the process of forming Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) and to acquaint themselves with whole school collaboration.
  • Teachers collaborate in addressing student needs, derived from student and school data.
  • School administration is developed as the instructional leadership in the school through the study group process.


Read about the next steps: QTLCS or Whole Faculty Study Groups®.