Entries Tagged as 'Research and Policy'

Thursday, April 9th, 2009

Supporting Teachers: NSDC Report Makes Case for Job-Embedded, Collaborative Professional Development

A new report from the National Staff Development Council concludes that American teachers spend more time in the classroom than many of their peers around the world - but student achievement doesn’t reflect the extra work.  Many factors can contribute to that scenario, but one conclusion they draw: teachers in the U.S. need more and [...]

Friday, January 30th, 2009

Stop This Train That’s Going in the Wrong Direction

By Dave Boliek
CEO, The Centers for Quality Teaching and Learning
I’m starting to write before I finish reading and that’s liable to be dangerous, but I have just gotten through the introduction of a just released report and recommend it to you.  A bunch of school superintendents in Texas, sincerely PO’d at the current system of [...]

Friday, December 5th, 2008

Why Strong Pedagogy Always Involves Engaging Students

Terri Jenkins, Instructional Specialist
The Centers for Quality Teaching and Learning
A recent article in the “Open Education” blog asserts that educators seeking to incorporate technology into their teaching should stop focusing on pedagogy (teaching strategies) and opt for an androgogical approach (finding ways to engage learners in their own educational process).  Simply put, the author says [...]

Thursday, October 9th, 2008

Where Does Creativity Go?

Dave Boliek
CEO, The Centers for Quality Teaching and Learning
Several years ago at the National School Boards Association’s Technology and Learning conference in Denver, I heard a talk by Sir Ken Robinson, a British ex-patriot now living in California.  Sir Ken’s philosophy is that creativity should be as important a priority in schools as literacy.
One of [...]

Tuesday, September 16th, 2008

The Plugged-In School

By Dave Boliek
CEO, The Centers for Quality Teaching and Learning
The National Staff Development Council recently in its Learning System publication detailed a mythical “plugged-in” school in which districts harness technology to attract and retain new teachers.
This is worth your time to read this report and reflect on the possibilities. Folks like my friend, Dave [...]

Friday, February 22nd, 2008

Avoidable Losses: How High Stakes Accountability Rewards High Schools for Pushing Kids Out

David L. Boliek
CEO, The Centers for Quality Teaching and Learning

The system spawned by No Child Left Behind can and has led to schools encouraging low performing students to drop out. Say what?!?!? If you dump low performers, school scores go up.
Yep. A study released Jan 31, 2008 and viewed only [...]

Monday, February 11th, 2008

Failure to Invest in Teachers Carries a Heavy Price Tag

David L. Boliek
CEO, The Centers for Quality Teaching and Learning
Where can we find $15 billion dollars income for North Carolinians? Or better yet, where is $15 billion dollars going, every year?
North Carolina’s newly released dropout figures show that the state has blown - thrown away - $15,296,399,200 in income by the simple act of [...]